I’m often asked during training sessions, “should I stretch before or after I exercise?” Do you ever wonder about this exact question? If you’ve done any research on the topic, you’ve likely found it to be extremely controversial. There are many different opinions, thoughts and studies on it. … [Read more...]
5 Plank Pitfalls –Are you doing them correctly?
The plank. We have felled trees to make them, built fences and houses out of them, grilled salmon on them, and some unlucky men have even had to walk them. But now, in the name of fitness and core strength, we are trying to emulate them. What is it that makes this seemingly simple exercise so … [Read more...]
Mimi’s Minute: Shoulder Impingement
Recently, I had a client complain of mild, achy shoulder pain when washing her hair. Since she said she had “done nothing” to hurt her shoulder, she was frustrated with the pain, and concerned about having a major shoulder injury brewing. Since she had full range of motion, but experienced pain when … [Read more...]
Mimi’s Minute: Why does my knee make that noise?
Many of us notice a little noise in the knees when going up or down stairs, or when bending to pick up something we’ve dropped. If there is no pain associated with the noise, it’s probably just a harmless condition the medical community calls “crepitus.” It could signal a little wear and tear on the … [Read more...]
When did we make GOOD movement BAD for us?
I was at the playground with my daughter the other day, when I heard a mother calling out to her child, “Walk! Don’t run!” It’s not an unusual command, but it got my wheels turning. I remember being told that as a child, even as a young adult. And at some point, I stopped running. But why? I LOVED … [Read more...]
5 Tips to Help You Avoid Back Pain When Shoveling Snow
I realize I’m a little late with this, but as I write this from a hotel room in snowy New Jersey, I’m betting you’ll have the opportunity to use these tips before winter formally ends, or maybe even before the weekend ends. The truth is, I had several folks come in after last week’s “Snowpocalypse,” … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Kick Leg Cramps to the Curb
Winter is clearly upon us, and with the falling temperatures, many folks are coming in complaining of leg cramps at night. You know the kind: they wake you out of a blissfully deep sleep, causing you to leap to your feet to stretch a painfully tight calf or hamstring. If that’s not bad enough, the … [Read more...]